The Microsoft Power Platform combines the solution of Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Power Apps, Microsoft Power Automate and Power Virtual Agents in a single solution. All four solutions can use the AI Builder, the Common Data Service and Connectors as backend for services.

antegma provides additional connectors for the Microsoft Power Platform based on their own ACCALLI/O Cloud service and extend the existing ecosystem of connectors for the Microsoft Power Platform.
Available Microsoft Power Platform Connectors of ACCALLI/O Cloud
Adobe Experience Cloud - Adobe® Analytics
Convert data into useful insights.
Adobe Experience Cloud - Adobe® Campaign
Establish a unique and uniform design for your campaigns across all channels.
Adobe Experience Cloud - Adobe® Marketo Engage
Marketing automation for your company. In cooperation with sales, you communicate efficiently, personalized and AI supported directly with potential customers.
Adobe, Adobe Analytics, Adobe Campaign and Marketo Engage are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries.